Food for Life provides food for about 300 people in Ermelo

Mr Lakesh Maharaj, member of the Isckon group, said: “We hope to get more people involved, to be able to help more people in need.”

The moment the well-known bakkie with barrels filled with food enters Nyibe residential area, happy screams of youngsters become louder as they come running towards it with their empty food containers.

The Food for Life feeding scheme, reached out to about 300 people in Nyibe, serving them with home made breyani, on 13 July.

This group have been feeding people in Ermelo, once a month.

Mr Lakesh Maharaj, member of the Food for Life feeding scheme, said: “We hope to get more people involved, to be able to help more people in need.”

Read more about the Food for Life feeding scheme in the Highvelder.

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