Ermelo residents burning leaves in backyard are in contravention of municipal by-laws

“Any person who fails to comply with the provisions of this section is guilty of an offense and can be fined up to R5 000 and can also be held accountable for cost incurred by the municipality to send a fire truck to the address.”

With the winter season approaching rapidly, residents gardens are covered with leaves, which some residents set alight in their yards.

The Highvelder recently received several complaints of cases during which leaves and other garden debris are burned in neighborhoods.

“You can not even dare to open your door or windows, with the smell of smoke coming in your home and the smoke hanging in your home,” an upset resident told the Highvelder.

The resident added that this was not the first time the incident took place and that the guilty party had already been told about the by-laws of burning leaves in his backyard.

To acquaint yourself with the specific by-laws and to hear what the municipality’s stance on the matter is, make sure to read the complete article in the next Highvelder.



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