Tensions simmer in Breyten as service delivery protest turns violent

The situation in Breyten remains tense as three suspects appeared in the Ermelo Magistrate’s Court on Monday, 25 February for public violence, including the alleged leader of the protests.

Community members from KwaZanele location in Breyten once again took to the streets to voice their dissatisfaction regarding service delivery on Wednesday, 20 February.

The community demanded the removal of the ward 14 councillor, Mr Charles Sithole.

They blockaded the R36 road with burning tyres and rocks, preventing vehicles from Carolina or Ermelo from passing through Breyten.

Learners were prevented from going to school as the tension in the area was at an all time high.

Msukaligwa Fire Services is deployed to Breyten on Friday, 22 February after the KwaZanele Public Library was allegedly set alight by protesters during the Breyten unrest. (Photo: Supplied)

Police were called to monitor the scene and vehicles used an alternative gravel road to navigate through Breyten from Ermelo and Carolina.

According to community leaders, the councillor in question is allegedly playing sides, in that he is alleged to be for the community and sometimes for the mines in the area.

There has been tension between the mines and community, regarding the employment of local residents, with residents holding numerous protests against said mines.

Another burning issue was that of service delivery with the protesting community members demanding better roads, clean water and employment opportunities.

The protest took a turn for the worse on Wednesday evening, as some protesters continuously attacked and stoned passing vehicles, especially trucks.

According to police reports, this resulted in the damaging of a police vehicle and the injury of a police officer.

The violence did not let up on Friday afternoon, 22 February, as two trucks and the KwaZanele public library were set alight. No injuries were reported.

Msukaligwa Fire Services is deployed to Breyten on Friday, 22 February after the KwaZanele Public Library was allegedly set alight by protesters during the Breyten unrest. (Photo: Supplied)

That surge of violence came after police arrested one suspect, prompting protesters to demand his release.

The Msukaligwa Municipality Fire Services had to be deployed in Breyten to manage the fires.

The Breyten Police also opened cases of malicious damage to property and motorists were advised to avoid the R36 road at all costs, for their own safety.

In all the turmoil, learners could not go to school which prompted teachers from the Breyten Circuit to march to the Department of Education Gert Sibande District Office to hand over a memorandum on Monday, 25 February.

The teachers are lamenting the loss of school time and are hoping the department will appeal to the municipality to respond and address issues raised by the protesters so children can go back to school.

Community members from KwaZanele location in Breyten block the R36 road during a protest on Wednesday, 20 February as tensions flare up once again between the community, Msukaligwa Municipality and the police.

The municipality is yet to address the community regarding this recent protest.

During a previous week long protest, which took place from 14 to 18 January, the Executive Mayor of Msukaligwa, Mr Joseph Mkhaliphi, did not receive a warm welcome when he arrived to address the disgruntled crowd.

Mr Mkhaliphi did, however, acknowledge the protests, at the recent fourth ordinary council meeting.

“Several of the complaints and matters of concern are being attended to and addressed.

“We note the glaring need for improvement on our interactions with the communities.

“Indeed, it is though a sad observation that in some cases, protests went to extremes, resulting in vandalism and destruction of public properties,” Mr Mkhaliphi said during the meeting.

The situation in Breyten remains tense as three suspects appeared in the Ermelo Magistrate’s Court on Monday, 25 February for public violence, including the alleged leader of the protests.

According to Sgt Mashegoane, their case was postponed and they will appear again in the Breyten Magistrate’s Court on Friday, 1 March.

Two trucks are set alight after one of the alleged leaders of the Breyten protest was arrested on Friday, 22 February. (Photo: Supplied)
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