Ligbron Academy of Technology announced best school in the district at 2018 Grade 12 Gert Sibande District Awards

A total of 169 learners at Ligbron Academy of Technology wrote the final exams, all of them passed and 119 got Bachelors passes.

The 2018 Grade 12 Gert Sibande District Awards took place at the Gert Sibande District Municipality (GSDM) Mayor’s Parlour on Friday, 18 January.

Top performing learners and schools were awarded for their excellent performances during the 2018 final exams.

The event kicked off with the Executive Mayor of Msukaligwa, Mr Joseph Mkhaliphi, welcoming all present at the prestigious event.

The Ndlela Secondary School choir kept guests entertained with their performances and Gert Sibande District Director, Mr PP Magagula, and the Executive Mayor of GSDM, Mr Muzi Chirwa, delivered the keynote addresses.

After all the speeches were delivered, the awards ceremony took place to the enjoyment of the learners, teachers, principals and parents present.

A learner from the Ndlela Secondary School in Umkhondo Municipality was the most outstanding learner from the class of 2018 in the district, raking in award after award for excelling in his final exams.

Muzomuhle Wiseman Mthembu received awards for being the top learner in mathematics, obtaining an outstanding 100 per cent and getting a full total mark in his final sitting on the subject.

The young man also got awards for physical science, Best Learner in a Municipality and was officially declared the Best Overall Learner in the District.

Muzomuhle is also the best mathematics performer in the province.
Msukaligwa Municipality learners and schools also made an appearance on stage with Ligbron Academy of Technology bagging the award for the best school in the district after a 100 per cent pass rate.

A total of 169 learners wrote the final exams, all of them passed and 119 received bachelors passes.

A teacher from the school, Ms J.M.E Van Zyl, was also awarded for being the Best Performing Teacher in Mathematics, after she acquired a 100 pass rate and 15 of her learners received distinctions.

Netherland Park Secondary School (NPSS) also made a showing, as their teacher, Ms R.L Gumede, also got an award as Best Teacher in Mathematical Literacy after her class obtained a 98.6 per cent pass rate. Ithafa Secondary School got an award for improvement of 10 per cent as the school improved by an overall 15.7 per cent.

Awami Mandisa Motha from Ligbron scored an award for being the Top Learner in Business Studies and Rene Jenna Lewis from Ermelo High School got one for being the Best in History.

Matthys Edward Jacobs received an award for his results in mathematics.

Msukaligwa 1 Circuit is number five in the top five circuits in the district with 79.6 per cent, Breyten circuit is in third place with 82.2 per cent and Lekwa West is the best circuit in the district with 87.4 per cent.

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