Breyten residents fed up with Msukaligwa Municipality

The Executive Mayor, Mr Joseph Mkhaliphi, came to address the protesters on Tuesday, 15 January, the second day of the protest, however, his address did not satisfy the protesting community.

The community of KwaZanele in Breyten protested outside the Msukaligwa Municipality offices in Breyten the whole week from Monday, 14 January over the lack of service delivery in the area.

This led to the municipal offices in the small town to be closed down and services be halted indefinitely due to employees fearing for their safety.

Disgruntled residents sang struggle songs and held up placards denouncing the administration of Msukaligwa in the town.

According to residents, the service delivery or lack thereof, is at an all time low in the town.

The burning issue is that of water, as the town has experienced water shortages since late last year.

As previously reported by the Highvelder, 22 November, Breyten taps running dry as residents face hours without water, the town is facing a crisis.

A community member from KwaZanele, Breyten shows the alleged water said to be coming out of Breyten’s taps for the past few months. The town is said to be experiencing water shortages which is one of the reasons the community decided to protest on Monday, 14 January. (Photo: Supplied)

According to residents, the taps in Breyten dry up during the day and whenever the water does come back, the water has brown, rusty particles in it that sink to the bottom after the water has been standing for a while.

Protesters also carried numerous plastic bottles with said water at the protest last week.

At the time, the municipality acknowledged that it is aware of the shortage of water in the town and is doing its best to change the status of the water shortage in Breyten.

Residents say no change has been made and they are still dealing with the dirty water.

Other pertinent issues at the protest were the alleged corruption at the municipality and the lack of toilets in one of the sections at KwaZanele.

Another burning issue that came up during the protest, was the residents’ request for permanent government offices at the Thusong Centre, which include the Departments of Home Affairs and Labour.

The Executive Mayor, Mr Joseph Mkhaliphi, came to address the protesters on Tuesday, 15 January, on the second day of the protest.

However, his address did not seem to satisfy the community members as he left shortly after and protesters continued to protest outside the offices.

The strike took a turn for the worse on Thursday, 17 January when residents blocked the R36 road with burning tyres, preventing motorists travelling from Breyten and Ermelo from passing through.

With no solutions coming forward from the municipality, the residents dug trenches on the R36 road on Friday, at the entrance into Breyten from Carolina, which was detrimental to vehicles travelling there. Motorists were urged to use alternative routes.

According to Breyten Police spokesman, Sgt Thabo Mashegoane, the situation worsened on Saturday, 19 January when protesters tried to set the library at the Thusong Centre alight, however damage was prevented when the fire was put out.

A case of damage to property has been opened at the Breyten Police Station.

Regarding the unrest in Breyten, Msukaligwa Municipality said a Joint Operations Committee (JOC), under the tutelage of the Executive Mayor, has been established and tasked with among others, to restore peace and stability within the Breyten area.

According to municipality spokesman, Mr Mandla Zwane, the JOC comprises of the Police, Msukaligwa Municipality, Gert Sibande District Municipality and the Department of Education.

The situation in Breyten remains tense and the police are currently monitoring the situation.

“Msukaligwa Municipality calls for calm and is doing everything possible to ensure that the unrest is brought to an end,” Mr Zwane concluded.

The protest in Breyten enters day two on Tuesday, 15 January as community members are fed up with the service delivery or lack thereof from the Msukaligwa Municipality. Community members disrupted municipal services and the offices had to be closed. (Photo: Supplied)
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