Gogo Mkhwanazi from Wesselton turns 100 years old

Nowadays the centenarian spends her days at her house because of weakened knees and high blood pressure.

Ms Lekhina Mkhwanazi from Ext 10 in Wesselton turned a hundred years old on Monday, 26 November.

The centenarian celebrated her birthday surrounded by her children and three generations of grandchildren at her home in Ward 7.

The employers of her second last born child bought her a cake and the family celebrated what has been a long and fruitful life.

Born on 26 November in 1918, Gogo Mkhwanazi spent her younger years working as a domestic worker in the Johannesburg suburbs before moving to Ermelo.

She gave birth to a total of 10 children, but seven has died.

The matriarch of the Mkhwanazi family has three generations of grandchildren and her youngest daughter is 45-years-old.

A hard worker as she worked in her garden even with weakened knees and was eventually forced to stop by family and neighbours.

Her hearing is not what it used to be and she uses a walking stick to navigate around her house, but she shows life and strength with her vivaciousness and lust for life.

Gogo Mkhwanazi reminisces about the good, olden days and recalls how her generation ate organic, homegrown food which is why they live longer than the younger generation.

“We used to eat vegetables grown in our backyard, meat we reared ourselves and not this processed stuff children nowadays eat.”

“We practiced self-respect, led an active life and listened to our parents when they warned us against certain things and I think that contributed to the longevity,” Gogo Mkhwanazi said.

Nowadays the centenarian spends her days at her house because of her weakened knees and high blood pressure.

Her daughter looks after her with community leaders checking up on her now and again.

However, with limited money, the family could not celebrate the momentous occasion with the big party they had hoped for.

Community leaders appeal to anyone who can assist with whatever they can give, to come forward so Gogo Mkhwanazi can have the celebration she deserves.

Anyone willing to assist can contact Mr Mazibuko at 083 316 1906 or you can drop off donations at the Highvelder office in Murray street.

“I had an amazing life and I would not change it for anything and I wish my children follow in my footsteps and take care of themselves.”

When asked what advice she would impart on the younger generation, Gogo Mkhwanazi said as long as they respect themselves, they would also reach this milestone.

“Listen to your parents, take care of your body and avoid unhealthy things in love, life and work.” Gogo Mkhwanazi concluded.

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