
Community cleans up President Fourche street as part of Thuma Mina campaign

The municipality commended the community for the initiative and for good work done and reiterated its stance that efforts for a clean environment can only be achieved through participation by the communities.

Ermelo residents heeded the call and embarked on a campaign to keep the environment clean by cleaning President Fourche Street on Saturday, 28 July.

The community was led by Ms N Hendricks who was accompanied by her son. She said she motivated people to participate in this campaign of the Thuma Mina that was rolled out by the president of the country, Mr Cyril Ramaphosa.

“I wanna be there when the people start to turn things around and keep the environment we are living in clean,” Ms Hendricks siad.

Msukaligwa Municipality also joined the call and supplied refuse bags and a skip.

Approximately four tons of littered items were collected.

The municipality commended the community for the initiative and for good work done and reiterated its stance that efforts for a clean environment can only be achieved through the participation of the communities.

The municipality stated it will always aim at ensuring that waste is avoided, or where it cannot be altogether avoided, minimise, re-use, recycle, recovered, and dispose of waste in an environmentally sound manner.

They appealed to any person or owner of premises where general waste is generated, to ensure the waste is stored in a provided or approved bin or bag by the municipality as littering is prohibited.

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