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[VIDEO] Protest in Ermelo over the dire situation at Lindile Secondary School

The community of Wesselton, teachers from Sadtu and Natu in the district, various political parties led by the SACP are marching to the Department of Education Circuit 1 offices to hand over a memorandum with a list of demands.

The community of Wesselton, teachers from Sadtu and Natu in the district, various political parties led by the SACP are marching to the Department of Education Circuit 1 offices to hand over a memorandum with a list of demands.

They are protesting over the dire situation at the school where sewer flows regularly from a sewage pump. Teachers are also lamenting the dilapidated buildings as the three-story-building is cracking with ceilings on the verge of collapse.

Also read:  Teachers halt classes due to sewage and dilapidated buildings in Lindile Secondary School

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