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Vox Pop: Ermelo residents have their say about Jacob Zuma

The Highvelder took the streets to ask Ermelo residents whether they think Zuma must go or stay.

The Highvelder took the streets to ask Ermelo residents whether they think Zuma must go or stay.

Wynand Broodryk. Zuma moet gaan. Cyril Ramaphosa is ’n baie beter opsie en sal meer vir ons land beteken.


Evelina Zulu. Zuma must go. He is not fit to run this country at all. We will be better off without him because he does not keep his promises.

Lees ook: Voxpop: Ermelo residents gives advice to learners

Marius Pyper.Zuma moet nou gaan. Hy leef in weelde en sommige van die mense wat vir hom gestem het, krepeer van ellende. Sy tyd het uitgeloop.


Bongani Ntshangase. Zuma must go. He is no asset to our country and economy as such. We shalll be better off without him.


Thomas Shongwe. He must go now. I think his term is over as he is not doing anything for the people. We need a new president.


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