
Middle Class Earners want land in Ext 7

The Middle Class Earners Committee and its members picketed outside the entrance to the Msukaligwa municipal offices at the Civic Centre over land distribution at Ext 7 in Thusi Village.

The Middle Class Earners Committee and its members picketed outside the entrance to the Msukaligwa municipal offices at the Civic Centre last Thursday over land distribution at Ext 7 in Thusi Village.

The issue has been bubbling under the surface since 2011 when the provincial government went into agreement with the Department of Human Settlements and the municipality to build integrated low cost housing at Ext 7.

The committee, under the chairmanship of Mr Jabu Mahlangu, represents the middle class worker who cannot get government housing or benefits.

Also read : Community invades land in Ext 7

According to Mr Mahlangu, there was an agreement for land distribution to residents who are in the middle class bracket.

They are people who cannot benefit from low cost housing and cannot afford to buy houses.

“The municipality made promises and agreed with the province concerning the land provided,” Mr Mahlangu said.

“It was where we agreed on 70 per cent of the land for low cost housing (RDPs) and 30 per cent for middle class earners.”

He added that R40 000 was the agreed upon price of such stands with the municipality and stakeholders, committing to install infrastructure (sewage, water and roads).

However, the matter came to a head in a meeting recently.

Residents alleged the municipality is backing out of the R40 000 price, claiming it is too low.

They also claimed the municipality said no infrastructure had been installed in Ext 7 as yet.

“It is mind-boggling when they utter such statements when all of us can clearly see there are RDP houses being built there,” Mr Mahlangu also said.

“They are clearly taking us for a ride.”

The municipality, working together with the Department of Human Settlements, began building integrated low cost houses on the land as reported in the Highvelder in August.

The municipal manager addressed the picketers, saying he will be briefed on the whole Ext 7 issue as he was new in office.

However, the committee is having none of it.

“This is what they say all the time.

“This project has been going on for more than five years with new mayors and municipal managers issuing the same excuses.”

Ext 7 has been a bone of contention for the municipality and various communities and political groups.

Early in May, residents invaded the land after EFF members urged them to take land by force.

They invaded in numbers, marking their stands.

Also read : Court halts illegal land invasion

The municipality responded by applying for a court interdict and a judge granted an interim order in favour of them, restraining people from erecting any dwelling structure on the land.

It also declared that the municipality was entitled and authorised to remove all poles, fences and similar structures erected on the property and the local police were requested to take all the necessary steps to give effect to the order.

That has not deterred residents with many wanting to join the committee’s bid for land and Mr Mahlangu issuing words of warning.

“It is not just the middle class earners’ fight anymore, we will mobilise the whole of Msukaligwa if this matter is not resolved.

“It is not even about Ext 7, the municipality must give the land to the people.”

The Congress of South African Trade Unions (Cosatu), South African National Civic Organisation (Sanco) and the South African Communist Party (SACP) regional branches are said to be joining in the fight for the land as seen in the picketing when Cosatu leaders addressed protesters.

Msukaligwa spokesman, Mr Mandla Zwane, confirmed that RDP houses have been built at Ext 7 and infrastructure has been installed, however electrical connections are yet to be connected.

According to him, there was a miscommunication between the municipality and the committee which resulted in the picketing.

He said that matters will hopefully be resolved in the next meeting to be held between the two concerned parties.

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