Brace for stormy weather this afternoon – SA Weather Service

At this stage, the predominant risk is expected to be strong gusty winds as well as heavy downpours, which may result in instances of urban flooding.c

The SA Weather Service has issued a warning that severe storms were expected in the Highveld areas of Mpumalanga on Friday, 27 October.

Also read: Storm cause major damage to buildings and some houses in Secunda

Also read: [Photos/Video]Storm causes havoc in Secunda and neighbouring towns

 Severe storms are also expected in Gauteng as well as south-western and southern parts of Limpopo province on Friday.

A statement issued by the SA Weather Service read, “At this stage, the predominant risk is expected to be strong gusty winds as well as heavy downpours, which may result in instances of urban flooding.

“Whilst hail may occur here and there, such occurrences are expected to be mostly of a small, non-damaging nature.”

The SA Weather Service warned that the ‘succession of hot to very hot spells during recent weeks over the eastern parts of the country’ would change ‘dramatically’ as a cold front sweeps through the country.

“Light snowfalls can also be expected on mountain peaks of the eastern parts of Western Cape and Eastern Cape overnight, spreading to the southern Drakensberg and Lesotho on Friday,” said the weather service, which added ‘chilly conditions’ were expected in many part of the country over the weekend.

Temperatures should be warmer from Monday.

Here’s a satellite image of the thunderstorms developing in the north-east part of the country, as shared by the SA Weather Service on Twitter:


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