Is using your cellphone while driving worth the risk?

South Africa has one of the highest road accident stats in the world. About 25 percent of those accidents are caused by cellphone use. Are the risks really worth it?

Here’s a social experiment to try for yourself: the next time you’re driving on the road make a note of how many people are on their cellphones while driving. You’d be surprised at how many people you spot during your journey and how this distraction affects their mobility.

Research shows that cellphone usage while driving affects driver competence, resulting in a 37% decrease in parietal lobe activity in the brain. Modern cellphones have the ability to make and receive calls, send text messages, watch videos, browse the net, take pictures and a variety of other functions which increase their distracting nature.

Alcohol and speeding make up the bulk of reasons for road accidents but distracted driving is a close third.

It is no wonder that South Africa experiences 32 accidents per 100,000 people per year according to stats by the International Transport Forum’s 2013 Road Safety Annual Report. The economic impact of these accidents is R307 billion a year, which represents between 8 percent – 10 percent of the country’s GDP.

Many modern cars come equipped with built-in hands free kits for cellphones and if they don’t, there’s a lot of wearable technology to use. There are simply no excuses for using your cellphone while driving.

What does the law say about driving and using your cellphone?

South African National Road Traffic Act prohibits the use of a cellphone while driving. This is not just limited to talking on one’s phone, but also holding a phone or other communicating devices when driving.

A summary of the act stipulates:

How can driving and using your cellphone affect your insurance?

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