PP lends an ear and brings hope

As a municipality, we will strengthen our monitoring process and start a drive to install pre-paid meters to households

Public Protector (PP) Adv Busi Mkhwebane’s visit to Ermelo last Friday gave many members of the community hope that their grievances would receive the attention they deserve.

Adv Mkhwebane’s visit was honoured by hundreds of people that filled the Ella De Bruin Hall who were anxiously waiting to hear how she and her office would address their concerns.

Executive Manager in the Office of the Public Protector Mr L. Ndou said part of their visit was to formulate and strengthen relations between their office and the communities and with various stakeholders.

During her keynote address, Adv Mkhwebane said the PP does not investigate private persons and/or private businesses and does not investigate court decisions.

She did, however, explain that her investigations include investigating government at any level. This includes central and provincial government, state departments and local authorities.

“My office can investigate any person performing a public function. This includes anyone performing any official duty which affects South Africans, for example a state employee such as a policeman or an electoral officer, as well as corporations or companies where the state is involved, for example Eskom and Telkom,” Adv Mkhwebane explained.

She did, however, say that in the event a case falls outside their jurisdiction, they will give referral to the relevant offices.

Members of the community were given an opportunity to voice their concerns, questions and dissatisfaction to the PP.

A number of complaints related to service delivery where people complained about housing, water, roads and farm evictions, among others.

Mr Peter Nkosi complained about what he called a bogus report by the previous PP, Adv Thuli Madonsela, regarding a land claim in Breyten where the report states investigations were carried out, houses were built for the affected beneficiaries and the families involved were financially compensated, which he said were blatant lies.

Samson Sibunda was born on a farm where he also worked for 29 years. The farmer now wants to chase him off the farm.

Residents of Ext 10 Nyibe section also had the opportunity to voice their concerns about the lack of service delivery in their area.

Another member of the community complained about the disused mines where their children perish.

Local mines, racism, farm dwellers and lack of development were some of the issues that topped the agenda.

After listening to the complaints, Adv Mkhwebane promised the community that their cases will be recorded and allocated accordingly for their necessary attention.

The PP also explained that the more complicated queries can take up to two years to investigate, due to extensive investigations that must be performed.

Executive Mayor of Msukaligwa Municipality, Cllr. S.M. Nkosi, said his municipality would attend to the roads and potholes as well as problems with RDP houses.

“As a municipality, we will strengthen our monitoring process and start a drive to install pre-paid meters to households,” said Mr Nkosi.

Executive Mayor for Gert Sibande District Municipality Cllr M. Chirwa, said the visit by the PP would encourage officials to ensure that they followed all necessary government processes and to ensure accountability.

Regarding the issue of farm evictions, the PP said they would intervene only if the Department of Rural Development and Land Reform failed in its interventions to remedy the situation.

She also encouraged the community not only to speak about corruption but to actually bring evidence for them to prosecute those involved. She also encouraged people to take full advantage of government programmes such as the indigents’ programme.

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