How to determine if a job is a scam

Scammers are becoming craftier in the way they operate and lure in potential job seekers.

This past year, it seems that scams are on the increase, in particular job scams. With the unemployment rate so high, many job seekers are falling prey to these scammers.

Fictitious jobs appear on job boards and job seekers are conned into paying a fee with the assumption that they will advance to the next process of recruitment. They are also becoming victims of identity theft in the process.

Scammers are becoming craftier in the way they operate, and it’s becoming more difficult to know what a scam is and what a legitimate job opening is.

Signs to look out for include:

The consequences of falling prey to scammers can include identity theft, the loss of your hard earned money, and illegal charges to your credit card. Before falling prey to these scammers, do your homework and check up on the company and the job offer carefully.

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