
Tips to prevent housebreaking

Always be extra alert and cautious of the safety of your home to prevent burglars from entering.

Lately, there has been an increase in housebreaking and thefts which is a major concern in the community.


To prevent your home from becoming burglarized, there are several steps you can take to make it difficult for burglars to break into your home.

Consider the following tips below: 

  • Keep all emergency numbers saved on your cell phone/phonebook.
  • Do not leave your garage and front or back door open or partially open. This serves as an invitation to burglars.
  • Curtains should be closed after dark to prevent suspects from observing the activities inside your home.
  • A dog is a good way of keeping burglars away.
  • Display a “Beware of the Dog” sign. If you do not have one, keep the sign up in any case to trick burglars into thinking a watch dog is present.
  • Report any suspicious people who could pose a threat.
  • Install security gates and keep them locked. If possible, fix a door viewer and a latch chain.
  • When approaching your house entrance by foot or by car, ensure that it is safe to enter and that you have not been followed.
  • Keep your entrance clear of plants or obstacles that can provide a hiding place for would-be robbers who could surprise you when you enter or leave your home.
  • Know your neighbours and build a relationship of mutual trust and support. When you go away on holiday, inform them or make arrangements for your house to be watched and unusual activities to be noticed.
  • Be involved in your community and safety structures that may exist, such as the Community Policing Forum.
  • We urge the community to cancel all newspaper and magazine deliveries when they plan to go on vacation,” said Const Thomas Mogadime.
  • Also ask someone to put the lights on and off because a dark house gives a signal to criminals that there is no one home.


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