EDPC shooters take aim

Christo Botha and Marius van Staden were the winners of the handgun and shotgun side match.

Ermelo Defensive Pistol Club (EDPC) held a handgun club shoot at the Vlakfontein shooting range on Saturday in which 28 competitors were put through their paces in five different stages.

Some of the stages were designed for Tier 3 and Tier 4 matches which meant that the competitors were constantly challenged to perform at their best.

The overall winner was John Whatley with a time of 97.06 seconds, closely followed by Roger Scholtz in second place with a time of 98.11 seconds. Jaco Moolman placed third with a time of 117.42 seconds.

The competitors ended the day with a side match using a shotgun and handgun and the winners here were Marius van Staden and Christo Botha.

Anyone interested in joining EDPC can visit www.edpc.co.za for more information.


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