Municipality unveils new courts

The municipality has since taken ownership of the facilities, which carried a bill of R10,8 million

Mafahleni Engineers officially handed over the upgraded and newly built sports facilities in all the Msukaligwa municipal administration units, Breyten,

Chrissiesmeer, Davel and Lothair for the 2015/16 financial year.

The municipality has since taken ownership of the facilities, which carried a bill of R10,8 million and opened up employment opportunities to more than 23 locals.

The combo courts include six basketball, six netball and four volleyball courts.

Municipal spokesman Mr Mandla Zwane said the municipality made a pledge with the communities to look after the courts as they belong to the communities.

He also said they would love to see stars coming from these facilities and competing on national level.

He added that the municipality was currently working on a schedule for the use of the courts to allow fair and equal playtime.

He encouraged those that want to use the courts to contact their respective municipal offices.

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