Busy Gogo brown receives awards

When the dust settles, she always makes time to sit with her family for a cup of tea.

Ms Tunu “Gogo Brown” Mnisi recently received two awards from the South African Local Government Association (Salga) for her outstanding job as chairman of the transversal working group.

The task for the working group was to give support to government departments to improve service rendered to the communities.

She received an award for 100 per cent attendance of executive meetings and the chairman award in the provincial members assembly 2015/2016 after accumulating more points than the other members of different committees.

“My job as the chairman of the working group was to travel to the different districts in the province, gather information on challenges that people are facing and report them to the national structure where they would then be discussed with the National Council of Provinces,”said Ms Mnisi.

She added that despite a horrible car accident that kept her away from work for three months, she was able to come back and fulfil her duties, although that came at a price: less time with her family and double the effort, as she is also the Chief Whip for the Gert Sibande District Municipality.

Ms Mnisi said most people had challenges with the Department of Health, where they complained mostly about long queues and unavailability of medication.
The Department of Home Affairs is another department many people complained about where applications for identity books took a while.

As a member of council since 1995, she has strong views about councillors.
“A councillor must remember that the people you lead or the community you are in charge of are bigger than you. You must always be available to assist and be willing to go an extra mile.
“Communication plays a vital role for a successful councillor and keeping the people informed on any promises made to them, including when you are unable to deliver, “said gogo Brown.

She also attributed her success to her personal assistant, Philisiwe Ngcobo, who has been her strength at the office and has always gone out of her way to make sure everything gets done to her satisfaction.

When asked how it is to work with gogo Brown, Philisiwe said she can be demanding and tough at times, but when the dust settles, she always makes time to sit with her for a cup of tea.

Gogo Brown also shared her message of encouragement to all the matriculants that nothing is impossible if you really set your mind to it.

She used her own experience as an example.

Doctors had written her off and suggested her legs be amputated, but because of her fighting spirit, she is back on her feet and is walking unassisted.


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