Businesswoman donates to school

Local businesswoman Ms Anna Matsane of Nometha Trading has once again reached out a helping hand and donated an information board to Ligugu Secondary School near Lothair.


Local businesswoman Ms Anna Matsane of Nometha Trading has once again reached out a helping hand and donated an information board to Ligugu Secondary School near Lothair.
A relationship that started when she first visited the school a few years ago saw her assisting the school by sewing their school uniform.
She has committed herself to doing something for the school every year to show her appreciation and playing an active role in the school as a parent.
According to the school principal, Mr S.S. Mavimbela, the school is grateful to have such parents who play active roles in their children’s schooling and are always willing to assist.
Member of the School Governing body (SGB), Mr Upson Mkhonta, said as parents and members of the school body, they appreciate Ms Matsane’s gesture.
“Our school now has an identity that we can be proud of, thanks to this lady,” he said.
Ms Matsane says the school is close to her heart because of their achievements and the hard work the staff puts into achieving good results. She has also in the past donated a chest freezer to the school.
Ms Matsane recently received a top business medal at the Eskom Business Investment competition and is also looking after street children by preparing lunch for them. She also contributes five pe rcent of her profit towards feeding children and is involved in a project where she encourages young girls to remain virgins.

Charity Nhlengethwa and Khabo Yende of Nometha Trading flank school principal, Mr S.S. Mavimbela, and Anna Matsane.

Lerato Mnculwane

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