Important notice – Water outage postponed

The water supply will therefore not be cut off within the advertised period (29 September to 11 October).

According to the latest information received, the planned maintenance and upgrading of the water supply pipeline and consequent water outage to certain areas of Ermelo has been postponed for about three weeks. The water supply will therefore not be cut off within the advertised period (29 September to 11 October). Further notices will follow and we will inform our readers of further developments.

Volgens die jongste inligting tot ons beskikking is die beplande instandhoudingswerk aan die watertoevoerpype na dele van Ermelo vir ongeveer drie weke uitgestel. Die watertoevoer sal dus nie in die geadverteerde tydperk (29 September tot 11 Oktober) afgesny word nie. Verdere kennisgewings sal volg en ons sal lesers op hoogte hou van verwikkelinge.



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