
Alleged power surge causes damage

Should the findings be that the fault lay with the municipality, it would then forward the claims to its insurers. An independent assessor will then assess the damage.

Residents in the Mazakhele area in Wesselton (Maphosa Street) have alleged that a power surge on 3 February damaged electrical appliances such as TV sets, microwave ovens, fridges, DVD players and radios.

A spokesman for the residents said they approached municipal technicians who were working nearby, but were told they should lodge their complaints at the municipal offices.

Municipal spokesman Mr Mandla Zwane confirmed that was indeed the correct procedure and said the affected parties should lodge their complaints in writing to the Municipal Electrical Section. These complaints will then be investigated.

Should the findings be that the fault lay with the municipality, it would then forward the claims to its insurers. An independent assessor will then assess the damage.

Residents’ claims will then be attended to on condition that it has been proven beyond reasonable doubt that the damages were caused by the negligence of the municipality.

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