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No meeting without the media

He said he had no knowledge of the media having been invited and again requested them to leave.

After many attempts to resolve the ongoing issue about electricity bills, a meeting was arranged between Afriforum, the affected business owners and representatives of Msukaliga Municipality for the end of January.

This meeting, however, did not realise and was rescheduled for 7 February.

The municipal legal advisor, who chaired this meeting, requested all parties present to introduce themselves.

After all the introductions were done, Mr Madonsela asked all members of the media to leave before the meeting could proceed.

According to him, it was a closed meeting and the municipality had not extended an invitation to the media.

Business owner Mr Hein Lamprecht requested that the media stay, as they were invited by Afriforum. He added that the meeting should be transparent and that the public has the right to know.

He then informed Mr Madonsela that the business owners would not proceed with the meeting if the media were not welcome.

Mr Madonsela was apparently offended by the suggestion that proceedings would not be transparent and said Mr Lamprecht was welcome to speak to the media after the meeting.

He said he had no knowledge of the media having been invited and again requested them to leave.

Mr Lamprecht and the other business owners then excused themselves from the meeting.

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