
Questions posed to Msukaligwa Municipality over water and sewage treatment plant in Wesselton

Residents at Khuthala Park, attribute the overflowing manholes to the sewage plant in Wesselton that has allegedly not been properly functioning for a long time.

It begins as a trickle, slowly and steadily converging, growing and flowing stronger, constantly expanding and soon, polluted water crosses the threshold into the Vaal River.

Business owners and residents alike have been complaining about the stench and potential health hazards sewage from overflowing manholes, pose.

Residents at Khuthala Park, attribute the overflowing manholes to the sewage plant in Wesselton that has allegedly not been properly functioning for a long time.

A resident said he believes it has been two years since the plant has been fully operational.

The wind carries this foul smell towards Naudé Street through Alzu Voere/Feeds’ doors to the annoyance of management.

The Highvelder paid the sewage/water treatment plant, opposite Lindile Secondary School in Wesselton a visit and just outside the gate two manholes flow uninterrupted.

A mere stone’s throw away from the school’s entrance, another manhole spills its malodorous content on the pavement where pupils pass daily.

A open manhole outside the water and sewage treatment plant in Wesselton.

Employees on-site, claimed they could not discuss details about the plant with the media nor allow access.

A reliable source, however, told the Highvelder that contractors were appointed about two years ago to do work inside the plant.

The source alleged that the contractors failed to renovate the plant as planned and new contractors were employed in July of this year.

It begins as a trickle, slowly and steadily converging, growing and flowing stronger, constantly expanding and soon, polluted water crosses the threshold into the Vaal River.

“Several of the processes within the plant has been halted, including a portion of the water treatment facility which supplies water to several areas in Ermelo.”

The Highvelder requested response from the municipality’s spokesman, Mr Mandla Zwane.

Read more about the allegations received in the next Highvelder Newspaper.

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