
EXCLUSIVE ONLINE- Ermelo Combined School hosts career day

Mr Shaju said the day gave learners an insight into the reason why they attend school need to work hard.

Learners from Ermelo Combined School celebrated a career day on 20 September.

All learners from each of the classes dressed up according to their career choice.

When the Highvelder visited the school, police officials, traffic officers, doctors, engineers, teachers, lawyers, chefs, and nurses walked the grounds of the school.

According to Mr Paulos Shaju, a teacher, the objective of this event was to motivate learners, for them to be ambitious and to look forward to their future career choices.

Mr Shaju said the day gave learners an insight into the reason why they attend school need to work hard.

At the end of the event, prizes were handed over to the learners who were the best dressed.

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