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Winter stretches out its tentacles and turns everything into little artworks

If you are like most people, you also dread the cold so we have compiled a few life hacks that might just help you find comfort and warmth this winter season:

You might have noticed a drop in the temperature and the saying Winter is Here not only refers to a Game of Thrones quote, but also to the reality residents of Ermelo face.

 If you are like most people, you also dread the cold so we have compiled a few life hacks that might just help you find comfort and warmth this winter season:

1. If you want to get comfy before going to bed

Nothing beats a warm bed during colder conditions but if you do not have an electric blanket, how on earth can you achieve that? Well, a cheap and effective way to get your bed warm is to use a hair dryer on heat mode and fan your sheets before getting into bed.

2. When you want to prevent a foggy windscreen?

Put a blanket on your windscreen and it will prevent your windows from getting icy and foggy on winter mornings.

3. How about make-shift thermal underwear?

Thermal underwear can be quite expensive so why not opt for a cheaper version by getting cotton leggings or stockings to wear under your pants or jeans when it’s cold.

4. If you want your wet shoes or boots to dry quicker

If your shoes or boots get wet from walking in the rain, stuff newspaper in them when you take them off to absorb the water more quickly. Place your shoes in front of a heater or fireplace for them to dry even quicker.

5. When you want a little heat in the kitchen

Open your oven slightly after cooking or baking and let the heat escape to the rest of the kitchen and maybe it’ll even reach another area of the house.

6. When you want to boost your brain

During cold weather, the body and brain sometimes don’t function at an optimal level. When your brain needs a boost, drink some hot chocolate. It is known to increase blood flow to key areas in the brain, boosting alertness and performance for at least three hours.

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