
Ermelo Taxi Association resolve matter of alleged taxi assault victims

Ms Nkosi and her siblings were allegedly assaulted by a group of taxi drivers.

The taxi drivers alleged to have assaulted Ms Zonke Nkosi and her siblings faced an Ermelo Taxi Association disciplinary hearing at the taxi association’s offices on Wednesday, 27 June.

The hearing was presided by the leaders of the taxi association with all affected parties present.

As reported recently by the Highvelder on 29 June, “Group of Taxi Drivers Assault Commuters”, Ms Nkosi was allegedly assaulted by a group of taxi drivers on Friday, 15 June at 7.30pm, after insults were thrown around by both parties.

Ms Nkosi’s brother, Mr Thulani Nkosi, was severely beaten to the point of fainting.

The siblings also alleged they lost R1 800 and Mr Nkosi lost his bank cards, license and ID book.

After both sides presented their cases, the matter was concluded with the association apologising to Ms Nkosi and her family for the harm and trauma that they endured.

Mr Nkosi will get help to recover his lost license and ID book.

Leaders of the taxi association urged the public and taxi drivers to respect one another when using public transport.

“We are all working together and nobody should feel threatened by any taxi driver,” one leader said.

The matter was concluded with the Ermelo Taxi Association reiterating its stance that their doors are always open if commuters feel disrespected at the taxi rank or by a taxi driver.

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