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Exhibitions at International Science Fair

Siemens scholarship worth R1 million - will be awarded to the most deserving learner to study Engineering in Germany

The world’s next greatest scientific innovation could come from South Africa judging by what over 580 young scientists competing at the 36th Eskom Expo for Young Scientists International Science Fair (ISF) demonstrated last night.

Thirty-five grueling and intensive regional heats have yet again culminated in the final selection of the country’s youngest and finest pioneers in the fields of science, technology, engineering, maths and innovation (STEMI) from Grades 5 to 12.

This year’s regional expos have seen 8 972 learners from a total of 1 365 schools competing for over R4 million worth in prizes and awards, including the opportunity to represent South Africa internationally.

Notably, this year has seen a phenomenal growth of 43% school participation across the country with 60% female participation.

Special awards include Eskom awards that go to Best Female Project, Best Project from a Rural Area, Best Energy Project and Best Energy Efficiency Project and each one of these learners wins a laptop. Other awards are sponsored by various organisations and universities with prizes also including books, gadgets, cash and university bursaries.

The winner of the grand prize – Siemens scholarship worth R1 million – will be awarded to the most deserving learner to study Engineering in Germany.

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