
Ermelo political parties wary of voter fraud ahead of by-elections

Some addresses have raised alarm among stakeholders and members of competing political parties who are vying for the position.

ERMELO – As residents in Ward 7 prepare for the by-election on October 23 following the resignation of DA councillor Zelandra Breytenbach, troubling reports about the voter registration process have emerged, raising concerns that could affect residents’ voices in this election.

While several candidates of other parties have expressed interest in running, concerns have surfaced regarding irregularities in the voter registration process for this ward.

Voter registration took place on September 7 and 8. Residents of Ward 7 will, however, still be able to register online until September 29.

According to a source within the political circles, allegations have arisen that certain voters had registered for the upcoming by-election, but did not reside within the boundaries of Ward 7, as required.

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Some addresses provided have raised suspicions, with reports indicating that several of these voters might have been staying in guest houses.

Highvelder is in possession of a list of other addresses where suspected voters have also been instructed to register, despite not being residents of this ward.

The source further claimed that these voters might have been ‘planted’ in an attempt to manipulate the election outcome by increasing its vote share through fraudulent means.

Calls have been made for immediate action against both the individuals involved and those orchestrating the scheme.

The newspaper has reached out to Thanduxolo Chembeni, the provincial spokesperson for the Independent Electoral Commission, for his insights.

Be sure to grab your copy of the Highvelder to read comments from Chembeni and other key stakeholders, including Henro Kruger, the DA spokesperson for small business development in the National Assembly and the DA’s political head of the Msukaligwa constituency.

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