
Dangers loom for Ermelo drivers dodging speed bumps

Some of these cones have been damaged, exposing steel rods/anchors that were originally intended to secure them in place.

ERMELO – It has frequently been observed that drivers in Ermelo are strategically maneuvering their vehicles to avoid speed bumps at various locations throughout the town.

While many residents might be guilty of this, the Highvelder aims to alert motorists to the potential dangers of these practices.

Some of these cones have been damaged, exposing steel rods/anchors that were originally intended to secure them in place.

Motorists are cautioned not to drive over the damaged speed bumps as some have sharp metal rods/anchors protruding from the surface. Photo | Wayne van der Walt

These exposed steel rods/anchors pose a significant risk, as they can cause serious damage to your tires.

Recently, Highvelder photographed damaged speed calming bumps in De Emagratie Street, between Ligbron Akademie and Morgan Nissan, where they have been displaced, leaving the sharp steel rods/anchors upright in the road.

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This creates a hazardous situation for drivers who attempt to dodge the in tact ones.

Some of the speed calming bumps have been damaged. Photo | Wayne van der Walt

Motorists are encouraged to report any damage to these speed bumps to the Msukaligwa Local Municipality.

Questions have been sent to the municipal spokesperson, Mandla Zwane, the publication awaits his response.

Sharp metal rods protrude from the tarmac in De Emigratie Street opposite Ligbron Akademie vir Tegnologie and Morgan Nissan. Photo | Wayne van der Walt

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