Local news

Msukaligwa enhances security with controlled access entrances bunicipal building

According to the municipality the access control will prevent vandalism and theft at the municipality.

ERMELO – The Msukaligwa Local Municipality recently began to install controlled access entrances at the municipal building.

According to Mandla Zwane, the spokesperson, the lack of control leads to vandalism and theft, especially at night.

“This will also provide safety to the facility users,” Zwane said.

The commencement of the works was on September 12, and the anticipated completion date is December 13. The costs involved with the project is about R2 717 428, according to Zwane.

“The objective is to gain control of access in and out of the municipal facility,” he said.

The scope of works entails the following:

  • Five Clearvu gates with embedded taper locking posts
  • Four manual boom gates, two in Taute Street and two in Smuts Street
  • An industrial gate motor with remotes to three gates, one in Taute Street and two in Smuts Street
  • Clearvu wall panels and embedded posts
  • One guardhouse in Taute Street
  • Two Wendy guardhouses in Smuts Street
  • Turnstiles, two in Taute Street and one in Smuts Street.

The municipality cautioned community members who visit the offices about the construction sites within the premises, and appealed for patience while these are in progress.

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