
GALLERY: Ermelo Sport Inn requires serious intervention

Concerns include non-functional bathrooms, a deteriorating roof, and a lack of security.

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A fire hose which service date had expired in 2010.
A hand-written out-of-order sign on one of the bathrooms’ doors.
Water streams from a burst pipe.
A toilet is covered with a black bag.
The signages in the hall.
Water damage in one of the squash courts due to the deteriorating roof.
A big hole in one of the squash courts.
Water drips from the roof.
Vandalised kitchen basins and cupboards.
Water damage. The Ermelo Wrestling Club installed gutters at their own expense to minimise the damage to their equipment.
Teghan Breytenbach, a wrestler of the Ermelo Wrestling Club, shows the water in the building after a good rain.
The reported burst pipe. Water has been streaming from it for 30 days.
A burst pipe.
A broken basin due to vandalism.
Water runs down the corridor and stairs.
A newly installed basin in one of the bathrooms.

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