Flossing makes a major difference in oral health

It’s estimated that less than a third of South Africans floss regularly and, according to Stella Lamprecht, president of the Oral Hygienists’ Association of South Africa, many of them do it incorrectly.

Taking your oral care up a level is as easy as adding floss to your daily routine and making sure you clean in-between correctly.

“Firstly, understand why it’s important,” said Dirna Grobbelaar, Ivohealth’s oral hygiene advisor.

“It’s a simple step to help prevent bad breath, cavities and gum disease. Remember, teeth have five sides and brushing only cleans three. If not removed with floss or another interproximal tool, food particles and invisible bacteria remain trapped between the teeth.

“Poor oral hygiene can have long-term health consequences, including diabetes, heart disease, pre-term and low-birthweight babies. Taking proper care of your mouth – which means brushing twice daily and flossing once – is important for your overall health.”

Take the time

Everyone should take the time to floss every day. Just because you don’t have much ‘space’ between your teeth isn’t a licence not to floss.

Even children should clean in-between once the teeth begin to touch, which is often when permanent teeth appear.

People with bridges, implants or orthodontic braces may find it more awkward but in those cases, it is as important as ever.

“Floss at least once a day, preferably at night, before going to bed,” Lamprecht recommended.

“Whether you brush or floss first doesn’t matter, the main thing is to do it consistently every day.”

Grobbelaar recommended doing it at a regular time each day so it becomes a habit, an integral part of your daily oral care routine.

Get it right

There isn’t a one-size-fits-all approach. People have varied lifestyles, dexterity and spaces between the teeth. Finding an interdental tool that suits you, can make a life-changing difference.

Traditional string floss is popular and effective when used correctly. Unfortunately, according to Lamprecht, about 40% of patients who do floss regularly are not using the correct technique.

If you’re just learning to floss or have limited dexterity or poor eye-hand coordination, you may find floss on a handle easier to use. Tiny reusable interdental brushes are ideal to reach the back teeth or when you have wider gaps, bridges, braces or receding gums.

Oral irrigators, using air or water to dislodge food and bacteria, can be helpful, particularly for people who can’t get to grips with floss or other interproximal tools.

“If you’re unsure about which floss or tool is right for you, ask your dentist or oral hygienist. They would love to help you make cleaning in-between a daily habit,” said Grobbelaar.

For Grobbelaar’s step-by-step guide on how to ‘floss like a boss’ and ace your interdental cleaning routine, visit the website

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