Alfeco Group honours women of steel

In light of Women’s Month, Alfeco Group recently honoured its female staff and learners at its Alrode plant.

In celebration of Women’s Month, the Alfeco Group honoured its female staff and learners from its three different divisions on August 11 at its Alrode plant.

The divisions comprise Pioneer Metals, Veer Aluminum and Veer Steel Mills.

At least 125 women received luxury gift boxes and chocolates, following a motivational talk from the group’s executive, Siddiqca Hardev.

The celebration also included learners from the group’s training programme spearheaded by training authority MerSeta. It comprises learners from Imisebenzi National Development Agency, Nhlanhla PS Holdings and the University of Johannesburg’s resolution circle.

At the event, Siddicqa said: “This year, the group decided to recognise and celebrate its women as they are the foundation that held their families and colleagues together due to the consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Chene van Niekerk and Roxanne Cawcutt after receiving their gift boxes for the Women’s Month Celebration in Veer Steel Mills. Photograph: Supplied.

“We wanted to show each one of our women how valuable they are to us and that they are appreciated.”

She added that they work in a male-dominated industry; however, the number of women in the group had grown over the last two years.

Some of the gift boxes the Alfeco Group women received. Photograph: Supplied.

“The group is strategically driving an intention to double these numbers with the commitment of everyone, as it is expanding. Our women have shown true leadership, grit, determination and excellence in their work. We respect and value all their contributions,” said Siddiqca.

She further commended and encouraged the audience to keep up the good work.

Group executive Siddicqa Hardev presenting the motivational talk for the Women’s Month Celebration at the Veer Steel Mills. Photograph: Supplied.

Siddiqca also encouraged them to continue showing the male-dominated steel industry that they are more than just women because they are strong, resourceful go-getters.

Samantha Qolindaba, an employee from the company, said the gifts were beautiful.

“It feels good that the company considered celebrating us with such classy gifts. I enjoyed the motivational talk as well. I do feel appreciated,” she said.

Alfeco Group’s HR department Caroline Ramalamula, Eldah Nkhwashu, Selina Mkhwanazi, Thabile Lukhele and Akhiwe Nokenke. Photograph: Supplied.
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