General driving safety tips

The EMPD has offered general driving safety tips for motorists.

The speed limit in an urban area is 60km/h, 80km/h outside an urban area and 120km/h on the freeways.

According to chief Supt Kelebogile Thepa of EMPD, this is prescribed according to Section 292 of the National Road Traffic Act.

“Although such is prescribed, the reduction of speed during unfavourable weather conditions is paramount. This includes but is not limited to rain, smoke, hail, fog, mist, sunset and sunrise where the sun rays are in the clear view of the driver of such vehicle,” she said.

Safety tips

• Switching on of the headlights is mandatory

• Maintain a safe following distance at all times

• Wear a safety belt at all times

• Have a clear view and full control of the steering mechanism of your vehicle

• Ensure the vehicle is roadworthy

• Do not drive under the influence of intoxicating substances

• Ensure the windscreen wipers are in good working condition

How to treat traffic lights during load-shedding – general rules

• Point duty may be conducted during the malfunction of traffic lights, provided there is sufficient lighting to conduct such point duty. Point duty will then be responsible for directing traffic units at an intersection.

• Motorists can disregard the road traffic signs upon the instruction of a traffic officer conducting point duty.

• The intersections must be treated as stop signs, during load-shedding and only move when it is safe to do so.

• Exercise patience at all times.

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