All about nosebleeds in children

While nose bleeds can be scary, the good news is that nosebleeds are common in children and are often not serious.

Nosebleeds (also known as epistaxis) are fairly common, especially in kids, according to a report published on website Medical News Today. And, there’s a good chance that your little one will have at least one nosebleed in the first few years of her life.

5 Common causes of nosebleeds

  1. A foreign object in the nose
  2. A sinus infection or bout of congestion from a cold (the mucous membranes inside the nose are sensitive to infections)
  3. A fall or injury (where your child might be hit in the nose). This can cause inflammation and damage to the blood vessels in the nose
  4. Frequent nose picking (this can cause the thin lining in the nasal passages to crack and split open)
  5. Extreme dry air, such as in an air-conditioned aeroplane – which could irritate the nasal passages

Although very rare, recurrent nosebleeds could be caused by:

Tips to treat a nosebleed

Almost all nosebleeds will stop on their own, but they can be messy, and rather scary, for your little one. Here are a few suggestions from ear nose and throat (ENT) specialists and authors of the Open Access Atlas of Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Operative Surgery, Simone Hadjisymeou and Nico Jonas, to deal with a bloody nose:

When should I call the doctor?

There’s no need to rush to the doctor if your little one has a simple nosebleed. However, if your child has a head injury from a fall, is experiencing dizziness or nausea, or you notice that she has frequent or heavy nosebleeds that you can’t stop, is experiencing bruising along with the nosebleeds, or has stuck something foreign in her nose, take her to a paediatric ENT specialist right away, advise the researchers from the Johns Hopkins University in the US. Good to know: Paediatric ENT specialists are trained to find the root cause of the problem and rule out any possible complications. They will also examine and evaluate your child to get a grasp of the bigger picture.

What can I expect at the doctor’s visit?

How to prevent nosebleeds

Once the ENT specialist has ruled out any complications, such as diseases or allergies, a few simple measures will help to reduce the likelihood of your child having another bloody nose:

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