Tummy time: How your baby will benefit

It’s important for your little one to spend time on her tummy every day. Read on to find out the many benefits of tummy time.

Tummy time during waking hours is a very important part of growth for a baby. It helps with muscle development and will give your little one a new perspective on life, as she will see things differently while on her stomach.

3 Benefits of tummy time

  1. Tummy time teaches your little one how to push herself up and eventually crawl, and it will help your baby learn how to roll over, sit up, and pull herself to a standing position. It’s easier for your little one to roll from her tummy to her back than from her back to her tummy.
  2. Co-contraction of the shoulder muscles needs to be developed to prepare babies to use their limbs effectively against gravity so that they can crawl and develop good motor skills later on. This is achieved through tummy time as your baby pushes herself up on her elbows when she’s lying on her stomach.
  3. Tummy time also helps to strengthen your baby’s neck muscles for good neck control so she can stabilise her head when she’s sitting, standing, or walking.

No tummy time can mean…

When to introduce tummy time

You can introduce tummy time to your little one as soon as you are comfortable and familiar with handling your baby’s tiny body. Tummy time should be fun for both mom and baby. It should never feel like exercise to your baby as this will put her under pressure and she’ll start disliking the idea of lying on her tummy.

Is there an ideal time of the day for tummy time?

The ideal time for tummy lying is a little while after your little one’s nap or after a nappy change, as she will be in a quiet-alert stage.

How long should tummy time last?

Tummy lying should be done for 10 minutes a day to start off with. You can split this time up into shorter intervals throughout the day.
Keep an eye on your baby’s reactions when she’s lying on her stomach.

When is tummy time not a good idea?

Babies with heart conditions need to be closely monitored when they’re on their tummies. If you’re not sure whether or not it’s safe for your little one to be on her tummy, ask your doctor.

Can my baby sleep on her stomach?

A baby shouldn’t sleep on her stomach as it can increase the chances of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS). Pregnancy, birth, and parenting expert, Sister Lilian believes babies should preferably sleep on their backs to help avoid SIDS. But if a baby simply prefers to sleep on her tummy or sides, there’s not much you can do about it. “They will spontaneously turn into the preferred position or cry until you help them to. Be particularly careful not to overdress your baby if she’s a tummy-lier and don’t pile too many blankets on her, as the main concern for a tummy-lier is the inclination to overheat. Many babies do prefer this position and are quite safe, so try not to worry too much.”

Make tummy time fun

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