What does education mean to you?

Always keep in mind that you were created by the creator to create.

“A well-educated mind will always have more questions than answers.” – Helen Keller.

Education would be much more effective if its purpose was to increase your curiosity and ensure that by the time you leave the classroom, you know how much you do not know and be inspired with a life-long desire to know it.

Education shouldn’t be about swallowing whole whatever you are taught. It should spark some curiosity, desire and hunger to question and go beyond that which is taught instead of getting programmed to become a robot.

As a life coach, speaker and author, I often come across people who say, “I acquired that qualification or piece of paper (certificate, diploma or degree) but it didn’t do anything for me. I feel like I wasted my time and energy.”

I’m certain you’ve also heard someone saying these words. This is an unfortunate part, the lack of understanding of what real education should be all about – sparking the desire and hunger to discover more rather just a means of getting a job or a promotion.

Always keep in mind that you were created by the creator to create.

The art of living is about realising your life is not just about being successful in the world, but that it’s mainly about fulfilling the highest, truest expression of yourself as a human being.

It’s not just about acquiring material things or positions of power. When you fulfil your truest expression of yourself, acceptable doesn’t get in the way of exceptional.

True education is not about memorising facts but getting sparked by the so-called facts to find out more.
So, real education takes place outside of the classroom. Yes, a well-educated mind will always have more questions than answers.

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