Your sacrifice will determine your result

You see, no one is just a natural, there’s so much that goes behind the scenes in terms of sacrifice and hard work that is put in there.

“The ultimate test of man’s conscience may be his willingness to sacrifice something today for future generations whose words of thanks will not be heard.” – Gaylord NelsonEvery man gives his life for what he believes.

Every woman gives her life for what she believes. Sometimes people believe in little or nothing, and so they give their lives to little or nothing.

One life is all we have, and we live it as we believe in living it…and then it’s gone. When I met Tim Storey, one of the great coaches I’ve worked with, he immediately knocked me down with his powerful words and then slowly picked me up with his smile and humility.

He said, “Veli, the real you will make a demand on the person you become. You may be in a job that pays you well but if it’s not what you are meant to do, you’ll always have a void in your life.”

Have you ever been in a job/career, relationship of any sort where you found yourself really feeling cold and lonely? It is this feeling that indicates to you that are not home yet.

You see, no one is just a natural, there’s so much that goes behind the scenes in terms of sacrifice and hard work that is put in there.

This self-discovery comes from listening to your inner voice, intentionally watching yourself on the things you do and carefully listening and hearing what people are saying when you do the things you do. This is critical and life changing.

As for me, Veli Ndaba –‘The Engineered Mind – to WIN’, I did not come this far to only come this far. I did not come this far just to see the mountain, I came here to climb it and I’m going to. Yes, let’s do it!

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