SANCA Alrapark provides safe haven to many drug addicts

The South African National Council on Alcoholism (SANCA) Alrapark hosted a fundraising event and awareness campaign at the Monty Motloung Hall in Duduza on September 28.

The event was aimed to assist recovering addicts and their parents from the Duduza community to also find help and rebuild their lives. SANCA Alrapark is a community based rehabilitation day clinic for the treatment of substance abuse, which was officially opened by the Gauteng Department of Social Development MEC Nandi Mayathula Khoza on November 10 last year.

Since then, it has provided a sufficient service to many drug addicts in the Alrapark community, such as 35-year old Teboho Monaheng and 29-year old Nonceba Sebeloane who were some of the first patients to enrol in the rehabilitation programme. Both have been regularly tested for drug use and according to clinic manager Onica Seboko, they have been clean and sober for over a year.
SANCA Alrapark provides assessment, medical treatment, family counselling, relapse management, drug testing, aftercare and self-help support to out-patients.

Registered in-patients receive individual therapy, intensive group therapy, occupational therapy, detoxification, medical management, leisure time enhancement, medical lectures, HIV/AIDS counselling (which includes pre and post-testing), drug testing and aftercare.

Although SANCA receives national funding from the Department of Social Development, it also strongly relies on secondary sources of funding such as public donations and fundraisers to be the most effective organisation the field of prevention and treatment of chemical dependence in the local community.

SANCA Alrapark is the second of its kind in the region and according to MEC Khoza, the model has proven to be successful in retaining drug users in the programme and the rate of completion has improved notably.

The clinic is situated at 4 Perske Avenue, Alrapark and operates five days a week for extended hours.


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