Resumption of amateur and club seasons

Amateur rugby to resume

SA Rugby announced on July 27 that all amateur and club rugby, suspended across the country due to Covid-19 regulations, will be permitted to resume on August 2.

This follows detailed reviews by the various provincial unions and whether teams have implemented the return-to-play safety guidelines.

According to Jurie Roux, CEO of SA Rugby, all the provincial unions will be allowed to decide on the best course of action in their areas of jurisdiction, following the amended level three lockdown regulations announced on Sunday night.

“All of this is subject to SA Rugby’s return to train and play guidelines, as well as any other regulations published in the Government Gazette,” said Roux.

“All amateur and club rugby were put on hold until the end of the month, but the provinces will be allowed to move to a return-to-play should they deem it safe to do so, considering a review of the status of Covid-19 in their regions.”

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