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Protecting children takes priority

The visit formed part of Human Rights Day celebrations.

Members of Ratanda SAPS and the Youth Desk took hands to reach out to children from Thandisiswe Day Care on March 22.

The visit was in celebration of Human Rights Day and the day’s theme was child protection.

Several activities, aimed at educating the children in a fun environment, were conducted.

The police members promoted children’s rights and highlighted the protection of children against all forms of violence, abuse and exploitation.

“The children from the daycare centre were excited to see the uniformed police members,” said Ratanda SAPS corporate communications officer Sergeant Moss Maluleke.

The youngsters were delighted with the colouring in books they received.

Pictures in the books carried a special message to the children.

Thandisiswe Day Care management thanked Ratanda SAPS for their support and love towards the children.

Each child received a colouring-in book with valuable information.

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