Double the love, double the essentials: must-haves for twins and multiples

Welcome to the world of parenting multiples! Preparing for twins or multiple births is an extraordinary experience, but it comes with unique challenges and considerations. To navigate this journey successfully, you'll need to ensure you're equipped with the right essentials.

Ronald Govender Dis-Chem Baby City FMCG Executive, says parenting multiples can be physically and emotionally demanding and recommends that parents of multiples plan as much as possible and have a checklist for key necessities, conduct thorough research and invest in a support system of family and, friends, help and professionals.

Govender proposes some key helpful tips to make for a smoother parenting journey for parents with twins or multiples.

Baby clothes and key essentials

 First things first, when you’re expecting multiples, you’ll need double or triple the baby wear. This basic list is helpful:

Prams, car seats and baby cots

Organisational tools

Organisational tools are essential when preparing for the arrival of twins or multiple births. They help you stay on top of your babies’ needs and make daily routines more manageable. Here are some organisational tools to consider:

Medical Care

Multiple pregnancies often require more medical attention. Regular check-ups and consultations with clinic nurses or doctors are essential to monitor the health of both the mother and the babies.

Support system

Expecting multiples can be physically and emotionally demanding. Building a support system is crucial to enlist the help of family and friends for household chores and childcare. Connect with other parents of multiple through support groups or online communities and consider hiring a nanny to provide additional support.

Emotional well-being

Expecting twins or triplets can be overwhelming, so prioritise your emotional well-being by ensuring that you make an appointment with a mental health professional if you’re feeling anxious or stressed. Always make time for self-care, including relaxation, exercise, and hobbies.

Most of all, enjoy the multiples. While it may sometimes be double the trouble, more often it’s double the joy.

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