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DA MP visits Rensburg

Water issues frustrating everyone.

The DA member of parliament, Stephen Moore, visited Rensburg on September 23 to investigate the water issue in the areas serviced by Rand Water.

Moore is on a road trip to establish where the water issues are the worst. That included his visits to Delmas, Secunda, Tsakani, Johannesburg, Lesedi and parts of Ekurhuleni.

The Rensburg meeting took place at the Rensburg reservoir.

Ward 8 Clr Yvonne Combrinck has been working tirelessly to get answers regarding the continuous water crisis in Rensburg since August 26.

Combrinck first welcomed residents and explained the reason for Moore’s visit.

“Parts of Heidelberg, in particular Rensburg, have now been without water for nearly 30 days,” Combrinck said.
“We want to hear first-hand what is happening and if there are plans to solve the problem.”

DA MP Stephen Moore.

In Moore’s address, he said, “The water crisis in areas supplied by Rand Water are in dire straits is an issue that needs to be rectified as soon as possible. The reality is Gauteng alone needs at least six new reservoirs and to build one takes up to three years.

“I have been on a road trip to see for myself what the issues are and Lesedi is the worst affected by the water crisis. This is not an easy fix.

“Power failures are compounding the issues and it sets us back every time there is a trip at a reservoir. We know it is a difficult time, but all we can do is be patient and hope the situation gets the attention it needs.

“The water crisis is mainly a Rand Water fault, but LLM is not blameless. We can lay their lack of maintenance on the infrastructure on their doorstep.

Ward 8 Clr Yvonne van Coller.

“The lack of maintenance and infrastructure is where it all started. Erratic water supply is also a concern to get the reservoirs full.

“Burst pipes and leaks also contribute to the non-water supply or not enough water supply per area. Compounding the issue is there is more demand for water than what the supply can cope with.

“To get to the bottom of the issue and receive answers from Rand Water is difficult, but we will do our best to get answers.

“As a community, human rights and health and safety are of utmost importance. We will prioritise the issues to ensure we meet the basic needs of every community member. We as a community must be water-wise.

“Combrinck works tirelessly to get answers to the issues. It is a selfless job and to do that, each person needs to be highly committed to serving their community,” Moore said.

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