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Wiesenhof uplifts community members

Recovering drug addicts get a second chance and grab it with both hands.

The Wiesenhof Coffee Roastery is there to uplift the community.

The Lesedi Community Centre (LCC) joined Wiesenhof Coffee Roastery to train community members ready to be an asset to the community.

The LCC sent four members for training as learner baristas to Wiesenhof’s learning facility in Spaarwater.

Thandiwe Mashanini (left), Jay van Ross, Watiko Mashanini, Marcho Barnard and Jolene Martins in training.

Wiesenhof master barista Watiko Mithi taught them the ins and outs of the coffee brewing business.

Part of the training was learning about the origins of the coffee bean and how to get a perfect steaming cup of coffee.

The four learner baristas, Thandiwe Mashanini, Jay van Ross, Marcho Barnard and Jolene Martins, are recovering drug addicts.

Watiko Mithi shows the learner baristas how to brew coffee.

Each is in a different stage of being clean and kicking the drug habit and is ready to be in good standing in the community.

Mhiti said, “These four are quick learners, and I am honoured to teach them the ropes in the art of brewing coffee. They received their wings to fly. Now, it is up to each one to go out and make a difference.

“Froth art looks easy, but it takes time and patience to master it and bring out the best in each artist. My advice is to practice daily, and it will become easier,” concluded Mithi

HERAUT asked each learner barista what they wanted to do in the future:

Mashanini said, “I want to have my own business, teach others what I have learnt, and make a difference.”

Watiko Mithi shows Thandiko Mashanin how to froth the milk.

Van Ross said, “I want to be a chef and, hopefully, own my own restaurant and showcase my food to the world.”
Marcho Barnard said, “I want to be like my teacher, like Wathiko Mithi. I want to be a master barista.”

Jolene Martins said, “I hope to be employed and work in a coffee shop. I want to show everyone who doubted me that I am up for new challenges.”

Coffee art done by the learner baristas.

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