Water shortage angers residents

The water shortage is a burden on many residents.

Heidelberg is experiencing a drastic shortage of water for both businesses and households.

According to statements from the Lesedi Local Municipality, Rand Water stated that the water reservoirs are below 5%.

The reservoirs’ operating pressure used to be around 600kpa and at the moment it is pumping at 300kpa.

The issue is that as soon as the water gets pumped into the reservoirs, it gets used in the community because it is not pumping fast enough to fill the reservoirs.

One of the boreholes was made available for the public to get water.

Medical institutions in the area are finding it very difficult, as they rely on water in their scope of business.
While the water shortage is hampering the daily usage of water, LLM has made various water trucks available at strategic places for the community.

These areas are in Obed Nkosi Township, Rensburg, Heidelberg CBD and Jordaan Park.

The fire department in Rensburg has also made water available to the community.

Various community members have boreholes on their properties and they, too, have made their water available for the community’s use.

The community is up in arms with the latest water supply issue.

Members of the public are getting water from Lesedi Fire Department.

Some are already getting ready to sell their properties to move out of Heidelberg if LLM does not get their act together and start supplying the basic needs to the community.

“We get water from the trucks for cooking, toilets and so on,” said a concerned anonymous resident. “We are still spending money to purchase water for drinking as well. “It is constantly an issue where we are on the losing end and have to pay out of our pockets for the basic needs.”

The HERAUT reached out to the LLM for comment. At the time of going to print, we received no comment.

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