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ICAD 2022 – An aviation highlight

Aviaition in the spotlight as a career choice.

International Civil Aviation Day (ICAD) was held in Heidelberg on December 3.

Heidelberg Airfield hosted the event on the weekend.

The expo aimed to encourage more people to make aviation a career choice and to educate visitors, the community and students on what possibilities there are in aviation.

Dancers welcomed visitors to ICAD 2022.

Various members from the aviation sector, government, and provincial and local municipalities were in attendance and had a few words to say to the attendees.

ICAD has been celebrated globally since 1994, and in South Africa since 2006.

The airshow had various stunts performed by the pilots.

December 7 was initially international ICAD Day. This was the first time ICAD was held in the Gauteng region.
Sedibeng Mayor Lerato Maloka laid out the brief for the day.

Lerato Maloka – Sedibeng Mayor.

Maloka said, “There is already an approved R1.4b by the Department of Trade and Industry set aside for the Vaal area to get their own major world-class airport. We will be creating employment opportunities for locals, especially in the construction stages.”

Poppy Khoza, director of the South Africa Civil Aviation Authority, said, “The theme of ICAD 2022 is advancing aviation and innovation on a global platform and developing aviation opportunities. Aviation is a sector that focuses on equal employment.

Poppy Khoza, director of Civil Aviation SA.

“It all depends on the individual on what they want to do and how dedicated they are to their craft.”

Deputy Minister of Transport Sindisizwe Chikunga in her keynote address made students aware of the opportunities in the aviation sector and that there are various programmes to enrol into.

Deputy Miniser of Transport Sindisiwe Chukunga.

“If you are serious about your future, dedicated and willing to work hard then this is the right career for you. It can be to become a pilot, ground staff, engineer, or air traffic controller to name a few. There are already programmes in place and we are already training new cadets to be part of the aviation sector. The instructors are world-class and highly recommended,” said Chikunga.

Other speakers were Lesedi Mayor Mluleki Nkosi, Transport Education Training Authority’s Kgatile Nkala, ACSA CEO Mpumi Mpofu, MEC Transport and Logistics Gauteng Kedibone Diale-Tlabela, and MEC Education Gauteng Matome Chiloane.

Lesedi Mayor Mluleki Nkosi.

After the formalities, an airshow was held. There were stunts galore.

Various aeroplane stunts were performed.
Flying in three was the general theme.
Skill, nerves of steel and trust are three elements each pilot had to have tons of to put on a daring airshow.
Harvards doing their fly-by.
No stunt was left to the imagination at the airshow.
The Harvards were a hit at the airshow.

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