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Angry residents embark on protest action

Strike mayhem in Ratanda.

Ratanda residents, fed up with the level of service delivery from the Lesedi Local Municipality, embarked on protest action on September 15.

This resulted in the R549, Vaaldam Road to Ratanda, barricaded with rocks and burning tyres from around 18:00 near the waste dumping site.

Local SAPS, Heidelberg CPS, AfriForum Heidelberg, security companies and Ratanda Local Safety Forum were on scene to monitor the action.

Dissatisfied protestors took to the streets in Ratanda.

The protest action is due to electricity issues and pre-paid electricity. The pre-paid electricity problem stems from the fact that LMM is preventing electricity from being purchased to meters not connected to LMM accounts.

The protestors indicated that the entrances to Ratanda will remain closed until LMM takes heed of their gripes, concerns and issues.

Some foreign shops were also looted. At 20:30 a truck was stopped and looted on the R549 Vaaldam Road.

When the SAPS arrived at the scene, the truck driver confirmed that the protesters took boxes containing pangas. The pangas are used for cutting sugar cane. They also took the driver’s cellphone and bank cards.

Protesters blocked several roads.

Sergeant Moss Maluleke, corporate communications officer at Ratanda SAPS, confirmed that several foreign shops were looted overnight. A case of public violence and damage to infrastructure was opened. Further investigations are underway.

On September 16, various entrances to Ratanda remained barricaded and closed by the protestors.

The situation is closely monitored by law enforcement and there is a heavy SAPS presence in the area.

Lesedi Local Municipality Executive Mayor Mluleki Nkosi addressed the protesters in Ratanda later in the day.

Nkosi discouraged the protesters from closing roads and damaging property and looting. He also said the LMM embarked on a campaign to encourage the community to pay for services rendered.

Burning tires are used to barricade roads.

Nkosi said, “We have sent out an invitation earlier in the year to keep your accounts up to date, or to make arrangements with our accounts department to pay the outstanding service fees.”

Nkosi said that he has instructed the accounts department to unblock the blocked meters on the condition that the residents in arrears go to the municipality to pay the outstanding amounts or make the necessary arrangements.

Executive Mayor Mluleki Nkosi addresses the protesters.

Nkosi concluded, “Paying your accounts will assist the municipality to generate the needed income to pay Eskom the outstanding debt. Before they, in turn, decide to switch off the entire municipal area.”

The protesters dispersed peacefully after the meeting with the mayor.

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