
Transport carrier hijacked

A blue light gang hijacked a transport carrier bound for Nigel.

A transport carrier from KwaZulu-Natal was hijacked on May 19 near the weigh bridge after the De Hoek Toll Plaza near Heidelberg.

The transport carrier with six vehicles on board was travelling towards Nigel at 21:30 when two men in brown uniforms stopped the vehicle. They had a vehicle with blue lights parked on the side of the road.

After stopping, the driver got out of his truck and went to the two uniformed persons. According to the driver, their uniforms looked like those of traffic officials.

The men told the driver to switch off the truck’s hazard lights, as it will make the way difficult to see for other road users.

As the driver went back to his truck, he noticed two more men inside the truck. One man pointed a firearm at the driver and instructed him to lie face down in the truck.

The hijackers drove to an undisclosed location and instructed the driver to take the vehicles he was transporting off the truck into an open field.

After he did that, he was put into a boot of a vehicle. They then left him in a desolate location. The hijackers instructed him to lie face down before they left.

They took the driver’s cellphone, licence card, bank cards, clothes and cash.

The driver went to Vosloorus SAPS to report the hijacking.

No shots were fired and no injuries were reported.

The case has been transferred to Heidelberg SAPS for investigation.

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