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Blue light gang member arrested

The Heidelberg SAPS had success in catching a suspected hijacker who is also a cop.

The Heidelberg SAPS arrested a policeman, suspected to be a blue light hijacker, on November 2.
While on patrol, Heidelberg SAPS members noticed a white VW Polo with blue lights trying to stop a truck on the highway.

The members went to investigate, and the Polo raced away. A high-speed chase followed.
In an attempt to flee, the VW Polo driver collided with a BMW at the R550 and R23 crossing.

The Polo after the accident.

The three occupants of the Polo jumped out and fled in different directions.
The SAPS members and the AfriForum Neighbourhood Watch combed the area for the suspects.

While searching the vehicle, the members found two firearms, one of which is registered to the police, ammunition, blue lights, a jamming device and SAPS bulletproof vests.

The officers got word that a hijacking case was being opened at the Edenpark SAPS.
The members went to the police station and identified an officer there as one of the suspects who fled the scene after the police chase.

The officer wore plain clothes and is stationed at the police station.
He was arrested and detained at the Heidelberg SAPS.

The suspect is charged with being in possession of an unlicensed firearm and possession of ammunition.
Further charges will likely be added.

The firearms found.

Investigations are still ongoing to trace the two suspects who evaded capture. It is suspected they are part of a blue light gang syndicate operating in the area.

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