How to manage load-shedding

Here are six tips to help you protect your home from potential load-shedding risks without the use of a generator or solar panels.

With the ongoing reality of load-shedding in South Africa, our homes and businesses are constantly exposed to the risk of electronic equipment damage and compromised security systems.

Taking proactive measures to help mitigate these risks will ensure that you are prepared for any eventuality and inconvenience associated with both scheduled and unplanned power outages.

Six tips to protect your home from potential load-shedding risks without the use of a generator or solar panels.

1. Know your timetable

Download a reputable Eskom load-shedding app on your smartphone to keep track of the scheduled outages in your area. Alternatively, request that you be added to a group of friends who keep each other informed of planned load-shedding schedules.

2. Light it up

Use rechargeable Light Emitting Diode (LED) globes. When the power is turned on, they function like regular light bulbs. They require 8-10 hours to fully charge their power supply and will continue to provide light for approximately 4-5 hours during power outages.

Whatever type of backup light you choose, torches, candles, or lanterns keep them in easily accessible locations around your home.

3. Be security savvy

Unfortunately, criminals study load-shedding schedules to determine which areas will be vulnerable at specific times. Tripped and false alarms provide excellent cover for opportunistic burglars. Keep a close eye on access to your home and the perimeter of your property.

4. Protect your appliances

It is important to note that while load-shedding is in effect, no current is flowing through the wires that power your appliances.

As a result, when the power is restored, the surge of electricity will not cause significant damage by frying your cables.

5. Maintain your connection

Keep your phone and/or laptop charged, or buy a power bank to ensure your electronic devices never run out of power.

6. No power – no problem

Load-shedding has made South Africa an interesting and unpredictable place to live. And, while we can direct our rage at Eskom and others we hold responsible for the crisis, rage alone will not solve the problem.

Load-shedding causes a lot of boredom, so instead of sleeping, there are plenty of things to do.

Load-shedding, as unpleasant as it is, does not have to ruin all the fun! Bring out the board games, because nothing kills time like board games like 30 seconds and Monopoly. Card games are also useful.

Install the Netflix app! This app can make you forget you’re experiencing load-shedding.

If you have the money, you could always go out to eat with your family, play pool at a local bar or play other fun games in your own home.

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